See projectWe present the teaser for animated short “Wilq Negotiator” animated short directed by Bartosz Minkiewicz and Leszek Nowicki.
Eryk Lubos will give his voice to the superhero while Marian Dziędziel will play commissioner Gondor.
Movie is co-produced by Platige Image, Crunch Dog and Polish Film Institute.
The unvanquished, Polish, and a superhero to boot – Wilq once again faces off a local criminal to safeguard his town.
A routine police call turns into an epic battle of the two greatest minds of Opole. Balancing on the border of wickedness, the “Upper Silesia Hero” helps the crazy terrorist to face the law, proving that this is not the powers that make us heroes, but the dedication, perseverance, and above all sophisticated vulgarity.
With newly acquired title of “Yechudi Homeini of Negotiation”, as befits a modest superhero, Wilq disappears from the scene, leaving his witness unanswered. Who is Wilq? And most of all – where is the megaphone?